Please fill the registration form with some preliminary information

Personal Details:
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*E-mail ID:
*Date of Birth:
*Contact No:
Please Specify Other City:
Graduation Details: Specify Highest Qualification
*University Name:
Please Specify University Name:
*College Name:
Please Specify College Name:
Please Specify Other City:
*Year of Passing:
Grades / Marks: Placements:
*Graduation Percentage: %
*10+2 (or Diploma) Percentage: %
*10th Percentage: %
*Looking for job in:
*Work in Shifts:
*Willing to Relocate:
Program / Location
*Select the Program / District / School
Referral Source:
*How did you hear about us: If Others, Specify Details:

  I would like to be kept informed about training programs and jobs offered by LAQSH

Please email your latest CV to HR@Laqsh.Com with the Subject - Job Applied and your registration number